Hola Spain, we have arrived! James added it up and figured in total it took about 20 hours to get from John Wayne to our temporary home at the Holiday Inn in Valencia. Plan A was to hop on a train from the airport but we would have had to wait almost 12 hours. We nixed that idea and opted for the bus. A nice lady directed us to a shuttle that took us to the bus station - which turned out to be the wrong one - so we hopped on the subway to the right one. About 2 hours later we were en route to Valencia on what turned out to be a surprisingly nice bus ride. I caught a few hours of sleep and before I knew it, we had arrived.

Needless to say, we didn't have much wind in our sails upon arrival but it was only 5:30pm and we needed to start adjusting to the time change. We got our second wind after some nice, hot showers and decided to grab dinner and explore. Except for Google Maps on James´s Blackberry (which oddly didn´t jive with the street signs we were seeing), we were mapless. Fatigue was beginning to rear it´s ugly head and manifested itself in a few snappy exchanges, but we ended up having a nice dinner at a Chinese place after strolling around the port area. That´s right, our first dinner in Spain was Chinese food!
It´s now 6am and I´ve been up for about 4 hours wishing I could get back to sleep like my partner in crime is doing. I´m cursing myself for sleeping on the bus but I do remember this same thing happening to me the last time I was in Europe. Oh well, at least I´m finding the time to write these blog posts. :)
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