Well, things didnt work out quite as easily as we would have liked. We were unsuccessful in finding the internet cafe that our concierge said was "only a 10 minute walk from the hotel". All we managed to do was get ourselves completely frustrated and doubting our map reading capabilities. At that point I really wanted to get on a train and at least get to Barcelona so we could find a hotel before dark, but James felt more comfortable having something booked. Back at the hotel, James decided to pay the outrageous 6€ per hour fee for internet and tried to book a room. Not finding anything that fit our budget and/or expectations, we headed to the train station and decided to take our chances in Barcelona.
The train ride was very pleasant, we both caught some z's, and we arrived in Barcelona before we knew it. With only about an hour left of daylight, we decided to hop in a cab and head to the nearest hostel. It was full and since we had just used our last euros for the cab, we started walking (with luggage!) towards the city. We spotted another "hostal" (which I put in quotes because it was really more of a motel that tries to attract tourists by calling itself a hostal) and deemed it good enough for one night. It was clean and had internet, but there's not much more to say about it except that we were more than happy to check out and move on to the next hotel.
Remember... trick to international travel. Drink copious amounts of wine on flight over and don't sleep on airplane... all you will have in destination is a little hangover but no jet-lag! Any other tips, feel free to ask.