The Magic Van got some mileage today driving around downtown Austin. Our day started with a killer breakfast at Kerby Lane Cafe (thanks Kent for the recommendation!) followed by some on-foot exploration of both the University and South Congress areas. I was in hog heaven hopping from one vintage/antique shop to the next and there were plenty of music and sports stores to keep James' browsing binge at bay.

Between all of the eclectic people, the Longhorn obsession, the seemingly infinite number of mom and pop restaurants and the welcoming, come-as-you-are atmosphere, we were like kids in a candy store - unsure of where we wanted to begin but absolutely certain we wanted to gobble up every last bite. We took a break from our visual sugar rush at Choy's Hula Hut (thanks Chris!) overlooking Lake Austin (which oddly enough is a river, not a lake) and agreed that Austin deserved a little more time.

Our original itinerary put us home on the 9th (tomorrow), which obviously isn't going to happen. We were going to push to be home Wednesday but now it's looking more like Friday. Interestingly, we left on a Friday the 13th so returning on Friday the 13th just seems like icing on the cake. We made some calls to the parents to make sure they wouldn't mind watching the pets a little longer - thank you guys! - and planned out the last few days of our trip (sniffle sniffle).

We got our next fix on 6th Street where we took in some live music, some electronic music and some conversation with cool folks - and, not to toot my own horn, we looked pretty good doing it too. I'd say we've mastered the art of cleaning up quickly and making ourselves presentable. After our social appetites were satisfied, we ironically settled into a parking lot next to the original Whole Foods Market (the company was founded here). This is probably a stretch, but maybe after such a virtual high all day, we needed some subliminal nighttime nourishment.
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