Phew! We covered a lot of ground today. Departure from New Orleans was at 9:30am and arrival in Austin wasn't until approximately 10pm with just a quick breakfast stop and a stretch stop in Houston. Other than that it was hard-core road-trippin'...not something I recommend for weak at heart. I wimped out for a little while and took a snooze break soon after we left New Orleans but James kept on truckin'.

We realized that starting our tour up north was genius not only because we got the cold weather our of the way, but because we gradually got to build up our road-trippin' tolerance. The 2 to 3 hours between cities on the East Coast were good training for these southern marathons we are now embarking on.

Houston turned out to be a nice stop. We went for a much needed run at Hermann Park that got our blood flowing and reminded our muscles that they are meant to do more than just sit around all day. We even stopped at The Beer Can House. Some guy saved his beer cans for 18 years so that he could cover his property in aluminum. Not exactly the look I would choose, but to each his own. It's a landmark and I'll bet now he's sitting pretty on a tropical island somewhere with nothing to do but drink more beer. I love this country!
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