We arrived in Arlington, VA late last night after powering through a long drive after a long day. Some days are more exhausting than others on this trip. I don't know how James did it because I caught myself dozing a few times, but we made it safely and were welcomed with open arms by our friend Kendall and her fiancee Jarred. They gave us a quick tour (we caught them right before bed) and like every one of our hosts on this trip, made us feel right at home. Then it was time for some much needed shut-eye.

We woke up the next morning and were both moving pretty slowly, so we allowed ourselves to relax a bit. I got some much needed internet time and James was doing something van related. By mid-afternoon we were ready to check out some sights. Since we only had half of the day left, we decided to visit
Arlington National Cemetery and save Washington D.C. for tomorrow.

We got a little lost on the way, but ended up driving around the Pentagon, which I really enjoyed. The cemetery was very humbling, and added some "recent" to what has been a historical adventure. We saw the changing of the guard ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, JFK's grave site and countless others who have given their lives in service. It's a beautiful site, but a little depressing to see first-hand how large it actually is.
Then we finished off the day with a nice Italian dinner with Kendall and Jarred in Georgetown.
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