We made it to Austin! It was another long day of driving (approx. 7 hours) and I was reminded just how big Texas really is. I've done this drive before, in the opposite direction, and vaguely remember that thought going through my head. Funny how time tends to help us forget the "unpleasantries". Lucky for me, the speed limit is 80, so it felt more like we were flying. Not so lucky, however, for the unfortunate little bugs that dared cross my path.
Tank and Cooper (my two cats) did great together in their Pet Taxi - is it weird that I feel proud of them? I only gave them half a dose of the acepromazine today because they had been fully drugged for the past 2 days and I figured there would be residual amounts in their systems.
Anywho, as I got closer to my destination I could feel my excitement building...almost home! Sounds weird, but yes, this is my new home. About 40 minutes outside of town I stopped at a Walmart to grab some road snacks, ended up finding a UT Longhorns t-shirt as well (got to blend in!) and then zipped on in to the live music capital of the world. Once my moving truck arrives in a couple days, I'll be set!
Monday, October 18, 2010
Sunday, October 17, 2010
To Texas, y'all!

Saturday, October 16, 2010
Waiting for Tank
Well, I'm all packed and ready to go. The plan was to sleep in as much as possible (or as much as the excitement would allow for) and then hit the road to Phoenix where my friend Donald graciously offered me and the boys a place to stay. Being the type-A personality that I am, I thought that I'd easily have my car packed, the cats drugged and be on my way no later than 10am, putting me into Phoenix around 4pm. Just in time for a nice relaxing dinner. Beautiful!
Unfortunately, my perfect little plan began to unravel before I even opened my eyes this morning. Instead of sleeping in until 8am, my cats decided to wake me up at 5am. "OK, no problem Amy, just go back to sleep, you've done it before". Well, of course my type-A brain started thinking about packing and driving and schedules, so sleep was out of the question. "OK, just get everything done and start the drive earlier", I decided. Fine! I get the car packed, give Cooper (cat #1) his pill and start calling Tank (cat #2) to come in.
An hour goes by and I still haven't seen Tank, meanwhile Cooper is starting to walk like a drunken sailor. On man, this wasn't in my plans. "OK, calm down Amy" I tell myself, "surely Tank will show up soon and you leave at noon at the latest". No dice. Noon comes and goes, as does 2pm, 3pm...you get the idea.
I'm searching the neighborhood to no avail, I have all my neighbors on "Tank Watch 2010" but the little guy is nowhere to be found. Cooper is in la-la land and I'm starting to feel bad that he has been drugged for no good reason. Why couldn't things just go according to my plan!!!!???? I finally accept potential defeat and tell Donald that if he's not back by 5, my journey will have to wait until tomorrow.
Long story short - Tank made his appearance just before 6pm. Not wanting to admit that a cat could throw such a wrench in my plans, I decided it was full steam ahead to Phoenix. With the driver loaded up on Red Bull, Cliff Bars and peanut butter pretzels - and the cats just plain loaded - we made it just after midnight. So much for that relaxing dinner!
Friday, October 15, 2010
Life...in a box
As I'm standing in my driveway watching the 29' freight truck drive off, Texas-bound, I'm hit with a wave of anxiety. Oh crap, practically everything I own just got packed up (Tetris-style) into a 4x8x9' space and driven away by a total stranger. What if it gets lost? What if the truck crashes? What if road pirates hijack it and find my Mace Widow purple neon light saber? Surely the ransom demand will be far to great for this humble girl-on-the-move. Even my cats seem to sense that their prized scratching post is hitting the road... they are sitting next to me also watching the truck disappear.
Deep breath Amy, calm down. Everything is gonna be fine. It's all part of the "moving out-of-state experience". Oh yeah, did I mention I'm moving to Austin?
Disclaimer - photo taken from Google Images
Deep breath Amy, calm down. Everything is gonna be fine. It's all part of the "moving out-of-state experience". Oh yeah, did I mention I'm moving to Austin?
Disclaimer - photo taken from Google Images
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