Sunday, August 15, 2010


It's summertime, so in my world, that means time to hit the road and do some camping in Yosemite. Every year my family stays at Housekeeping Camp for a little R&R. It's one of my favorite places to explore and take pictures, so, pretty much the minute I got there, I put on my tennis shoes and got to work. No matter how many times I visit, it never gets old. In a span of 4 days, I took over 100 pictures. Don't worry, I picked out the best ones...enjoy!

Yosemite 2010

Monday, August 2, 2010

I'm on a boat...

I was home for all of about 3 weeks when I started getting the travel bug again. Good thing my fam had a trip planned...this time the mode of transport would be a large cruise ship. This ship would be taking us around the Eastern Caribbean for a week and I couldn't be more excited.

We sailed, we snorkeled/scuba'd, we sunbathed, we even got stuck in the middle of the Atlantic for 6 hours with no electricity. Enjoy the show!

Caribbean Cruise